If you are looking for a cash advance locally, you have more options than you might think. You might wonder if there is a Paid Day Loans near me and the answer is yes and no. There is no brick and mortar location, but we are always here to help you get an online quote for the money that you need. Take a minute and get an offer now and see just how easy it is to get money in an emergency, even with bad credit.

A sign to find loan choices near me.

Loan Choices Near Me

When you need cash, it can be hard to see all of the options that you have in front of you. Usually, the sudden need for money means that there is some sort of emergency going on and that can cloud your mind.

If you find yourself in a rush to secure some finances, take a minute to breath. Calm down and first review your options and pick the one that works best for you and your situation. Here are some possibilities.

Cash Advances

At Paid Day Loans, we can help you get a quote for the money that you need. Even if you have bad credit, you may be able to get an offer with our help. We can do this because we are not cash advance lenders. Instead, we get you access to a very big group of online lenders.

When you have less than perfect credit, the more lenders the better. More lenders means a lot more sets of qualifications. It increases your odds of filling those requirements and getting the Yes that you need.

Scroll on up to the top of the page and get a fast and free loan offer, or keep reading to learn more about your other options.

Employer Loans

When people need money, they often forget about their own employer. This is a big untapped resource of short term loans near you.

Think about your paycheck for a second. The money that you get paid is delayed. You work for two weeks and then you get paid a week later. That means that at any given time, you probably have at least a weeks worth of unpaid wages.

Many employers will let you tap into this money to handle an emergency. For them, there is no risk because you have already earned this money. All it takes is a bit of extra paperwork and many are willing to do it in order to keep their employees happy.

Pawn Loans

If you just need a few bucks to get you by, a pawn shop near you may be able to help. Like all loans designed for bad credit, pawn loans do have potentially high fees and/or interest but they are very easy to get approved for.

Because a pawn loan is a secured loan, there is much less risk for the lender. If you have an item of value that they think they could sell, they will generally approve your loan. Keep in mind though that they will only give you a small portion of the value of the item being pawned, so you stand to lose a lot of money if you default.

In most cases, a pawn loan will be for just 100 to 200 dollars. Because they only lend you a portion of the value, a large loan would require  very valuable piece of property.

Loans From Friends

Most of us have friends who would be more than willing to spot them a few dollars. Sure, it can be hard to ask a friend for money, but it would be an interest free loan which would really help you get your finances back on track.

The key to making a loan with a friend work is to be respectful. Think about their feelings and how your actions could be interpreted. Make it a point to pay back the loan as soon as you can and do not make any extravagant purchases until you have done so.

Also, try to get everything in writing. This will help you out in case memories get fuzzy after time. You want a record of how much is borrowed and how much you have paid back.

Money from a bad credit cash advance.

About Bad Credit Loans

If you are getting a cash advance with bad credit, there are a number of things that you need to keep in mind. Here are some things to consider.

We At Paid Day Loans Are Not Direct Lenders

If you get a quote from us, keep in mind that we ourselves are not direct lenders. We feel that this is a GOOD thing because we instead get you in front of a larger group of lenders. That can improve your chances of getting a YES, even if you have bad credit.

What this also means is that we do not make credit decisions and we do not have access to your loan details, if approved. Your loan will be between you and the individual lender making you an offer.

Bad Credit Loans Have High Fees

If you are new to bad credit cash advances, you will soon see that they all have one thing in common, high fees and/or interest.

High risk loans come with high fees. It is the only way that lenders an take the risk of lending to a borrower that has bad or poor credit.

Before taking out one of these loans, you should be sure to fully understand the total cost of the loan and what your payment or payments should be. Do not just blindly agree to a loan simply because you need the money.

Cash Advances Should Not Be Used Often

If you find yourself in need of emergency loans, you should seek credit counseling.

Taking out emergency cash advances often is a sure path to financial trouble. You need to make a budget and learn how to balance it. Also, be sure to leave room for savings because that is the only way that you are going to get ahead and get stable.

Almost any budget can be balanced to leave room for savings. If it can not, some hard changes need to be made. This might be made. This could mean moving to cheaper housing, getting a cheaper vehicle or even taking on a part time job.

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