If you need to borrow a few hundred dollars, we may be able to help. Even if you have bad credit, you could be just minutes away from a loan offer. Let’s find out.

A pile of money with hundreds of dollars.

When You Need Hundreds Of Dollars

If you need a few hundred dollars in a hurry, it is probably for a money emergency. Maybe your check was a little short this week or perhaps you blew a tire on your car. Whatever the case, we may be able to help you get an offer, even if you have bad credit. We can do this because we are not direct lenders. This is a good thing for you because instead, we get you access to a larger group of online lenders.

With more lenders, you have more chances of getting an approved offer from one of them. It is often much easier than working with just a single direct lender and one set of qualifying requirements.

Ready to get your offer for the money that you need? First, you need to head up to the top of the page and fill in the quote form. Begin by selecting how much you want to borrow. If you are not sure, here is some information on some commonly borrowed amounts and what they could be used for.

  • $200 – A commonly borrowed amount to pay electric bills or other small utilities.
  • $300 – 300 dollars is often borrowed for things like emergency dental procedures.
  • $400 – If you need a new set of tires, 400 dollars will do it for most compact cars.
  • $500 – An amount to borrow that could be used for an emergency medical expense.
  • $600 – An emergency home repair like a new water heater could be paid for with 500 dollars.
  • $700 – A loan for 700 dollars may pay for emergency vehicle repairs.
  • $800 – Larger 800 dollar loans could be used when rent money is needed.

Once you have your dollar amount, fill in some information about yourself and your income. You will also enter in where you want the money to be sent. When you get it all done, hit the submit button and await your answer.

If you are approved to borrow hundreds of dollars, one lender will make you an offer. You will be taken to their website where you can review this offer and decide whether or not to accept it. Do not blindly accept your loan, be sure that you read all of the details so that you know exactly what you are agreeing to.

To Borrow Or Not To Borrow

If you are approved for a loan offer, you should not just blindly accept it. Sure, you man need to borrow hundreds of dollars but sometimes a loan is not really the best option. This is especially true if you have bad credit. So, before you accept that loan, here are some things that yo should think about.

Is The Loan Affordable?

If you have bad credit, the fees and/or interest is likely high. In addition, if you are only borrowing hundreds of dollars, you are likely to be offered a payday loan.

What this all means is that the loan will probably need to be repaid in one payment, most likely on your next payday. Can you afford to make this payment or will it just leave you strapped for cash, needing another loan.

It may be better to pass on a loan rather than get caught in a payday loan cycle. Before you accept your loan, make sure that you will have the funds to get it paid off.

Can You Do Without The Money?

You might think that you really need hundreds of dollars but do you really? Be honest with yourself as to whether this is a want or a need. If you really need the money and the loan is affordable, get it. If you can do without it, you should do so. Bad credit loans are just far too costly.

Is There A Cheaper Way To Get Money?

Lastly, consider whether you have other ways to get the money that you want. This might involve some hustling, but if you can get away without a loan, it is well worth it, so be creative.

Some ideas might be to sell some property, donate some plasma or ask a friend. Getting a part time job is another option. Sure, it might take time to gt your check but if you work an industry with tips, such as food service, you can start getting cash tips immediately.

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